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Duluth's Newest Community Theater wants you!

Superior Community Theater’s invites you to audition for a part of this great musical to be rehearsed and performed at the Wolffe Cultural Center on March 14th through the 23rd.

Even if you miss these tryouts, please contact us anyway because we will probably still have something that you can do to be a part of this powerful production. We're very excited about it and want you and everyone you know to be a part of this community event!

Auditions are right now at the center; today (Jan 24) at 6 p.m. and tomorrow (Saturday Jan. 25) at 2 p.m. There are a lot of male parts (both young and old) and female parts too. This is a community theater which means we want you to be a part of this powerful play. We try hard to find a part for everyone, so please show up! Tell others! If you have questions, please call the theater’s office: 218-393-0148 and ask for Wes. Or see our facebook page:

Want to learn to act at home? Watch this video:

Discount Medical Plan for People in the Twin Ports

Announcing: Discount Medical Plan for Work at Home and PT Workers in the Twin Ports.

Here’s a no-nonsense program that saves you money on Healthcare, Dentist, Pharmacy, Vision, and even Chiropractic Service.  Plans start at about $15 a month!

Visit: and click on the red “Get Started” button to complete your contact information.

Twin Ports Now has a new way to List Used Vehicles Online. Buy, Sell and Trade at: U SELL By Owner Site.

Be sure to let us know about your announcements and we'll get them up here for all in the Twin Ports to see; and remember, it's free! Just read and follow the instructions at the right.

Today we want to introduce one of our sister blogs which offers another free opportunity for people in and around the Twin Ports. Twin Ports U SELL site. You can list your vehicle, recreational vehicle and even auto parts; but you must be the owner; no dealers please. Dealers are welcome to place paid advertising on the site and can inquire. All listings stay up for a full 45 days.

Check it out and tell your friends! Click on the picture below.

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!

Attainment Coach Ter Scott Publishes New Book: Attainment Revelation Celebration

LOCAL AUTHOR Publishes Attainment Revelation Celebration


Whatever you do, whoever you are, you probably want to get more from your life, your career, etc. I’ve put together a book that show you how you can turn your life around within twelve months. People want instant fixes but we must remember that we didn’t get into our present situation “instantly” it took some time to get where we are with the good and the not so good. Get my book, create your own reflection and projection holiday and put it on your calendar. Give yourself twelve months time to see results. As the old commercial stated, “Try it, you’ll like it”. It’s only $4.99 (priced this low for a limited time; no, really. The price goes up soon).

Tony Robbins says that by the 15th of January most people have quit their resolution, that is why he one of his passions is to help people 365 days a year. And, that's why I just published my Kindle book: Attainment Revelation Celebration. It explains how you can create your own holiday in which you create a list of wishes, set them aside for twelve months, when you come back to them on your personal holiday to reflect and project; and repeat the process for another year. Plus, you can start this at any time; not just at the beginning of the year!