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Give the joy of watching a live Eagle cam to someone you love

Sometimes don't you just want to "give"? But sometimes you think "I don't have anything to give"! If our attitude is to always be looking for ways to give, when the time comes we'll have many things to give. Sometimes it may just be a pleasant word or smile of encouragement, and sometimes it will be our time, talents and money. 

When we go about our days knowing what it is that pleases people when we see things that are being given away free, sold cheaply or tossed we may think, "I know of someone who can use this"! Then you have something to give. Make a real concerted effort to know the "likes" and needs of your relatives and friends. If you know that someone likes vintage guitars, when you see a book at a garage sale, pick it up and place a yellow sticky on it and save it for that person's birthday, any special day or don't wait and make today that special day!

I would normally write this article for my "Mentor Speaks" blog, my "Life and Legacy" blog or one of my other 98 blogs but I wanted to publish it here because I live in the Twin Ports and really appreciate the people and the community as a whole. So, I wanted to give something to them and demonstrate just how easy it is to give.

I want to give two things to my readers today. The first is information that will enrich their lives if they choose to use it. It's a link to a web cam where you can watch Eagles in a nest sharing keeping eggs warm and generally just doing what Eagles do. Some of us watch reality shows but sometimes I think it's awesome to take time to appreciate nature's reality. Here's a link to the MN DNR Eagle Web Cam:

Secondly, I want you to have a very special Cash Back Loyalty Card. Eventually you'll be able to use the card to get cash back (directly into your bank account) when you purchase things at your local businesses right here in the Twin Ports. (I'm working on that. If you are a business person and want to find out more, please click here; If you are an entrepreneur type and want to join me in getting the word out to local businesses, click here). For now you can use the card online and also use it with gift cards you purchase for places like Home Depot and Olive Garden and over 3,000 other places. It's free, just request it here.

I hope you'll find that I've added value here with the web cam link and telling you how to get cash back on everything you purchase like gas, groceries, clothes, dining and more.

Until next time,
Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! 

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