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What's your business? 98% of my clients do not know!

Ter Scott Business Consulting

I only work with people who call me or are referred to me.

Our first visit is conducted away from the person’s business, usually at a restaurant or coffee shop. The fee is $250* per 30 minutes (plus the cost of the meal or beverage) and the clock starts at the time the appointment is scheduled and the fee is charged whether or not I accept any future work.

This will be a working meeting so be prepared with honesty, know what you want and have a few questions.

I will offer a few suggestions at the meeting and then follow up with an email with my recommendations.

From there we’ll both know if there is a fit for us to work together. 

24/7 National Message Center: Call 888-  241-   4031

*If your business is outside 200 miles from Duluth Minnesota, additional fees and transportation will be applied.


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